Learn more about wisdom teeth and your treatment options. Call Dr. Bonine at 810-229-9180 to schedule a consult.
Four Reasons to Choose Dr. Bonine for Your Wisdom Teeth
- We Use Non-Opioid Pain Medications With Excellent Results
We recognize that opioids have their place but our strategy and our focus is to be effectively non-opioid. We have over 35 years of experience using powerful, effective non-opioid pain medications with excellent outcomes. In fact, most patients report that they are never worse than sore. - Anti-Swelling Medications Reduce “Chipmunk Cheeks”
Dr. Bonine will provide anti-swelling medications at the time of the procedure and afterwards to virtually eliminate those unsightly swollen cheeks. - Your Own Platelet Rich Fibrin Speeds Up the Healing Process
In the latest medical technology breakthrough, we use your body’s own platelet rich fibrin to enhance the healing process. Platelet rich fibrin speeds up the healing process, it reduces swelling, and it reduces overall discomfort. - Your Choice of Anesthesia Options
To keep you comfortable during the procedure, you’ll have the option to choose IV sedation to be slightly sedated, or general anesthesia to be completely asleep during the procedure.