Sugar Addiction
The constant consumption of pop (usually Mountain Dew or Pepsi) over extended periods of time during the day allows your mouth to grow bacteria that live on sugar. When you bathe your teeth constantly in soda, the bacteria, with a constant supply of sugar, are able to grow and produce acids that lead to the decay of your teeth. This decay level is so fast that no dentist is able to keep up with it. Pepsi and Mountain Dew are referred to the most, as they are the highest in sugar and caffeine content.
Sugar and caffeine are both addicting substances with associated withdrawal episodes. The symptom of a caffeine withdrawal is characteristically a headache, while a typical sign of sugar withdrawal is a depressive low feeling. Caffeine goes hand in hand with sugar addiction and soda companies strive for their consumers to develop addictions to their product. Having an occasional soda is not a problem.
The Agricultural Department recommends no more total sugar each day that what is in an entire 12 oz. soda. The problem is that many people pick up a six-pack or an eight pack in the morning so that they can consume soda all day long. As a result, their teeth are constantly immersed in sugar. Sugar in the body takes two hours to burn off. When someone has their first can of Pepsi it will stay with them and give them a "high" for about two hours. This is followed by withdrawal and thus the consumer reaches for another Pepsi to bring them back up to the "high feeling."
The key to beating these addictions involves several factors. First off you must go through sugar withdrawal. Sugar withdrawal can be difficult, and the only way to do it is to go "Cold Turkey." To do this, you must read every food label and make sure to consume no sugar, which will perpetuate the desire to have something sweet. This must be done for two weeks. At the end of the two-week period you may find that the consumption of a 16 oz. Pepsi will leave you nauseated because your body will no longer be in the habit of burning sugar.
After the two weeks time you will need to change your diet. You will also have to do things to start helping your teeth. Peridex is usually prescribed, as it is an antibiotic mouthwash, which cleans out all of the "bad bugs" that were living off of the sugar. Over-the-counter fluoride is also recommended to help remineralize and strengthen the teeth. It is very important to get the decay on the teeth under control. If the sugar addiction is not stopped, the bugs will grow on your teeth and you will rot them out faster than your dentist can fill them.