
Stop Bleeding After A Tooth Extraction

Applying & maintaining firm pressure is key to stopping bleeding

Minor to moderate bleeding may occur for some time after a tooth has been extracted. In most cases, this bleeding can be effectively controlled and subsequently stopped by placing gauze over the extraction site and applying firm, direct pressure. Make sure that the gauze is positioned directly on the extraction site; you may need to fold the gauze small enough to fit between adjacent teeth.

If bleeding persists, a slightly moistened black tea bag can be a very effective substitute for the gauze (following the same instructions given for the gauze placement). One of the ingredients of regular black tea is tannic acid, and tannic acid aids in the formation of blood clots.

It is both the application of firm pressure and maintaining this pressure that are important factors in controlling the initial bleeding after an extraction, although slight bleeding or oozing may occur several days after surgery. If heavy bleeding persists after these steps have been followed you should contact Dr. Bonine.


Gauze Placement

A little hazy on how to fold your gauze? Watch Cheryl, senior surgical assistant, show you detailed instructions on using gauze, including proper placement in the mouth.

Tea Bag Placement

One way to control bleeding after a procedure at Dr. Bonine's is by using a moistened tea bag in the extraction area. Watch this video for step-by-step instructions.