Celebrating One Year of Recycling
February 17, 2012
Dr. Bonine's office celebrates its one year anniversary of having a recycling program! Dr. Bonine's office recycles plastics, glass, tin, batteries, cardboard and all non-patient-sensitive office paper! Special thanks to Duncan Disposal Systems for their single source recycling program, which allows our office to throw all recyclables into one regular cart without any sorting. Even more thanks goes out to the staff, who makes the program work! Our recycling program has undergone many changes, but we're happy to say that it seems to be seamlessly interwoven with our regular waste program, and the staff has gotten used to putting things in the recycling bin instead of just trashing them. During one month in 2011, we recycled 66 pounds of shredded paper. At this rate, we would recycle 800 pounds of shredded paper over an entire year. To put this into perspective, recycling one ton of paper saves 17 trees, 3 cubic yards of landfill space, 2 barrels of oil, 7000 gallons of water and 4,100 kilowatt hours of electricity--enough energy to power the average American home for 5 months--and our numbers only take shredded paper into consideration! (figures taken from Headwaters Cooperative Recycling, Inc.) These are significant savings to our planet's resources, especially when one considers the numbers multiplied over years.
Dry Mouth Information
February 13, 2012
Information on Xerostomia Dry Mouth has been added to our website.
Pediatric Life Support Training
February 13, 2012
The office was closed while Dr. Bonine and staff reviewed their Pediatric Life Support Training.
We Are A Certified Wildlife Habitat
January 31, 2012

Dr. Bonine's property is now a National Certified Wildlife Habitat, and provides the four basic habitat elements needed for wildlife to thrive: food, water, cover, and places to raise young.
Dr. Bonine Recieves the Community Dedication Award
January 19, 2012

Dr. Bonine, along with Dr. Sam Daniels, has been awarded the Community Dedication award from the Brighton Chamber of Commerce for founding the VINA Community Dental Center.
2011 Gold for Food Program Donates to Gleaners Food Bank
December 19, 2011

Pictured are some of the local doctors who participated in the 2011 Gold for Food Program, a program started by Dr. Bonine in 1995 that utilizes donated old gold crowns and other fixtures from patients and turns them into meals for the poor. From left to right, Dr. Bonine, Dr. Rondeau, Dr. Matuszak, Dr. Metz, Dr. Giammalva and Dr. Andrusyszyn pose with Michelle Ounanian of the Livingston County Gleaners Food Bank. This year's total donation of $17,188.45 is being matched by the Prentice Restaurant group and Walmart, and will generate a grand total of $34K to be donated to Gleaners Food Bank for 2011. Through the efforts of Dr. Bonine and other local dentists, the program has to date generated $109,555, which amounts to 328,665 meals!
2011 participating dentists' offices include Dr. Matuszak, Drs. Fuhst-Wylie & Kahn, Dr. Metz, Drs. Petersburg & Giammalva, Dr. Rondeau, Dr. Todd Charlick, C.S.W. Dental, and Dr. Bonine.
New Web Content
December 17, 2011
Literature on How To Stop Bleeding After a Tooth Extraction has been added to our website.
Dr. Bonine is now an Honorary Member of the Chalmers J. Lyons Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Academy
November 11, 2011
Dr. Bonine is now an Honorary Member of the Chalmers J. Lyons Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery academy, the oldest oral surgery organization in North America, and has been elected to its executive board.
Odontogenic Infections Lecture
November 16, 2011
Dr. Bonine will be giving a lecture to the St. Joseph Family Practice residents & the Emergency Room physicians on Odontogenic Infections.
VINA Community Dental Center Fundraiser
October 28, 2011
Dress up with us for Halloween and support VINA Community Dental Center October 28, 2011. Patients are invited to join us in wearing a Halloween costume to our office on Friday, October 28, 2011. Dr. Bonine will donate $25 per costumed patient to the VINA Community Dental Center.
Ode to Autumn at Oaken Transformations Sculpture & Poetry Walk
October 2, 2011
Ode to Autumn at Oaken Transformations Sculpture & Poetry Walk this Sunday, from 1-3 pm. For more information about this event or other upcoming events, visit here.
Spring Planting
September 17, 2011

Spring planting day and a summer of sun, surgery, and lots of weeding pay off in a beautiful display for Brighton and all of Grand River.